Tagged: Health

Becoming Vegan


Today I’ve decided to go Vegan. I mean I’ve wanted to go Vegan for a while but today I’ve finally made the decision to commit to it. However, I am not too educated on all of the various challenges that I am going to encounter, all the food options available (and unavailable) and all the vegan-friendly places around my city so I am bound to slip up! This blog is going to be a record of all of those challenges that I face, discoveries that I make and any big lifestyle changes that occur along the way.

Some Background

I have been raised vegetarian (due to my family’s cultural/religious reasons) and never really had the desire to eat any meat. This automatically erases the biggest obstacle one might face when becoming vegan. Eggs never had a huge presence in my life either, with the only eggs I usually consume coming from the occasional cake or cookie. What I lack in meat and eggs however, I have more than made up for with dairy products. Milk, ice cream, cheese, yogurt, chocolate. The list just goes on and on. One of the main reasons for this stems from the social aspect. You go out with friends to a mall as the only vegetarian. What are your options? Pizza, taco bell or fries.  The taste of ⅔ of those things is largely improved by the presence of cheese and after your millionth carton of fries that year you can’t help but get something different. Not to mention dessert with all of the cookies, ice-cream and milkshakes to choose from. Another reason for the huge presence of dairy in my life is the fact that I am Indian. And at least for my family that means sweet milky tea, milk based sweets, paneer and yogurt with rice. As you can tell, I’m really gonna miss my dairy products. But I’m sure the cows will thank me for it in the afterlife.

Why I’m Going Vegan

A combination of 3 things have made me make the decision to go vegan.

1. I watched one of those documentaries a while back about the conditions for cows and chickens in farms. I read up on it and what it boils down to is that they are treated like crap. They are not given enough space to move about and exercise, instead being crammed into little space with thousands of other animals. They catch diseases easily and die as a result of  being crammed in alongside their fellow chickens/cows. They are injected with hormones to make them produce milk and lay eggs faster. Little chicks are shoved onto conveyer belts and crates to be shipped off long distances. Cows are milked mechanically. All of these things mean that whenever I consume milk and eggs I have a major guilt trip because I know that it is something that I don’t want to support.

2. I know I’ll get healthier as a side effect. Most of the unhealthy things I snack on have eggs and dairy in them, so cutting dairy and eggs off entirely will force me to give those things up.

3. Its never been easier to be vegan. The amount of stupidity I’ve had to deal with when it comes to me being vegetarian has drastically decreased over the past 10 years, and this is due to increased awareness of vegetarianism/veganism. Plus an increasing number of restaurants are vegan friendly which helps.

Not Why I’m Going Vegan

To shove my lifestyle choices down people’s throat. I don’t like preaching to people (or even educating them because I believe that if people wanted to, they would educate themselves). Also, food is a very sensitive topic for many people and besides, I am  doing this solely for my self. Not that there’s anything wrong with educating people on veganism (seriously kudos to those documentary makers and article writers)  its just something that I do not care to do myself.



– slip ups due to ignorance

– social situations

– knowing how to make up for lack of dairy nutrient-wise

-getting used to soy milk. Soy milk is nasty. Ugh.

Vegan food of the day:  Apple crisps

(as seen in the picture)

Not the healthiest food, but its still vegan! Replacing the non-dairy butter with vegetable oil, using white sugar instead of brown, and using less sugar than what was in the recipe worked fine for me. (All of these adjustments were due to poor planning on my part)

Last words: leave some tips for me if you’re an experienced vegan (nutrition related things would be especially appreciated). Also if you don’t care for being vegan or even vegetarian, feel free to leave a comment with your experiences (but please do it respectfully!)

On Dealing With Voids


Bus rides have a unique way of telling me a lot about my self. Yesterday was no exception. I ran to catch the bus home and walked all the way to the back of the bus to take my usual seat, by the window. Taking that seat always starts out with the intention of observing the people in front of me without being observed. But of course, the only person I end up observing every bus ride is me. However, putting a spotlight on your self is scary because it immediately illuminates the areas you have been trying to run away from. And in my case, what I’ve been trying to run away from is The Void. Now this particular kind void isn’t an angry hole of depression and doom, but more of a nagging feeling that there’s something missing. Thankfully bus rides only last 15 minutes, and after the spotlight gets turned off, I usually go back to my comfortable life of routine where I run away some more. Well not this time. This is a list of five destructive things I do to run away from The Void. And hopefully writing this list will be a spotlight big enough to shine The Void out of existence.

*She/Her is I/Me. At some point while writing this it got painful to criticize myself.

5. Gossip: Everyone knows that it is wrong to gossip. Gossip shows insecurity and gossip makes you a petty person. But sadly, gossip is fun and the easiest social currency to obtain. There is nothing like telling a good, embarrassing story at someone else’s expense and receiving congratulations for it in the form of shocked faces and smirks. Knocking one person down means that she stands a little higher than them for the time being. Gossiping makes her feel in the loop and in control. Humans are social animals who base their self worth off of others’ responses to them. And social approval no matter how superficial is enough to make her feel like a winner for a few minutes. Fueled by the social approval, the void shuts it self down temporarily. Until of course the guilt kicks in and The Void reopens a tiny bit larger.

4. The Pity Party: The entire world being against her is a very, very good excuse for just about anything. Of course this excuse is never true, because the world quite frankly, doesn’t care. Despite the knowledge of this, The Pity Party seems to be a favourite way to run away from The Void. It allows her to vent out the frustration caused by The Void while complaining about something a lot more socially acceptable. The pity that is acquired from everyone forced to attend the Pity Party allows her to believe that she is the victim of something beyond her control. Fueled by the made up anger, the void shuts it self down temporarily. Until of course the realization of being an attention seeking phony kicks in and The Void reopens a tiny bit larger.

3. Procrastination: This is a side effect of the pity party. No self-pitying is complete without feeling tired and exhausted. After all, the entire world is against her! And as further proof that it hates her, it is bombarding her with a ton of work. So procrastination is the solution. Not only does it give the world the finger, it gives her time to rest and nurses her back to good health. Yes, this is the pathetic way that she justifies her procrastination to herself. In reality, Voids mean feeling empty. And emptiness is a lack of emotion. Feeling motivated comes from having emotion in her, and without that, she simply cannot be bothered. When the deadline is a few hours away, the emotion comes rushing back in the form of stress. Having a competition with time forces her to focus every ounce of her energy onto the task she must accomplish. Fueled by the self created stress and adrenaline rush, The Void shuts it self down temporarily. Until of course the mediocre results of half-assed work come back and the Void reopens a tiny bit larger.

2. Unneeded workloads: Unneeded workloads mean introducing herself to ten new hobbies that she is bound to quit within five days, making plans with people she doesn’t like to places she doesn’t want to go to, and committing to long term projects that she will quit in a few months. She takes on all these tasks because it her feel more important. Finishing them will reward her further with sense of accomplishment. Fueled by feeling important and a potential sense of accomplishment, The Void shuts it self down temporarily. Until of course, she ends up not accomplishing anything because she did things that she hated, and The Void reopens a tiny bit larger.

1. Excessive Consumption of Media: On good days she can be painfully pretentious. She prides herself immensely on consuming intelligent forms of entertainment such as quality books, music, and the occasional well thought out TV show or documentary. On running-away-from-The Void days however, all that pride is gone down the gutter. On any given Void Day she will be on a talk show or a reality show marathon. She will know bits about the lives of celebrities that she has never heard about, care deeply about the contestants on singing shows and watch the Disney shows with cheesy laugh tracks intended for 11 year olds. This type of media relaxes her like nothing else, because it simplifies it self to raw human emotions. She cries when a contestant gets eliminated. She laughs on cue with the laugh track. Fueled by the raw human emotions of the cheap media, The Void shuts it self down temporarily. Until of course, she finds her self watching the sunset at the end of a wasted day, and The Void reopens a tiny bit larger.

Phew. Well here’s hoping that someday my bus rides will shine a spotlight on the Void Free person I hope to become today.